
「sea」に関係する英単語の一覧を表示しています。 検索結果が多い場合は文字数で絞ることが可能です。
1件目から30件目を表示次の30件 >

(1)galley | 詳しく調べる

意味(classical antiquity) a crescent-shaped seagoing vessel propelled by oars


(1)more | 詳しく調べる

意味(comparative of `many' used with count nouns) quantifier meaning greater in number; "a hall with more seats"; "we have no more bananas"; "more than one"


(1)epidemic | 詳しく調べる

意味(especially of medicine) of disease or anything resembling a disease


(1)stormy | 詳しく調べる

意味(especially of weather) affected or characterized by storms or commotion; "a stormy day"; "wide and stormy seas"


(1)mendel's_law | 詳しく調べる

意味(genetics) one of two principles of heredity formulated by Gregor Mendel on the basis of his experiments with plants; the principles were limited and modified by subsequent genetic research


(1)nereus | 詳しく調べる

意味(Greek mythology) a sea god son of Pontus and Gaea; lived in the depths of the sea with his wife Doris and their daughters the Nereids


(1)scylla | 詳しく調べる

意味(Greek mythology) a sea nymph transformed into a sea monster who lived on one side of a narrow strait; drowned and devoured sailors who tried to escape Charybdis (a whirlpool) on the other side of the strait


(1)andromeda | 詳しく調べる

意味(Greek mythology) an Ethiopian princess and daughter of Cassiopeia; she was fastened to a rock and exposed to a sea monster that was sent by Poseidon, but she was rescued by Perseus and became his wife


(1)pontus | 詳しく調べる

意味(Greek mythology) ancient personification of the sea; father of Nereus


(1)argonaut | 詳しく調べる

意味(Greek mythology) one of the heroes who sailed with Jason in search of the Golden Fleece


(1)poseidon | 詳しく調べる

意味(Greek mythology) the god of the sea and earthquakes in ancient mythology; brother of Zeus and Hades and Hera; identified with Roman Neptune


(1)perseus | 詳しく調べる

意味(Greek mythology) the son of Zeus who slew Medusa (with the help of Athena and Hermes) and rescued Andromeda from a sea monster


(1)stuffed_derma | 詳しく調べる

意味(Judaism) roasted fowl intestines with a seasoned filling of matzo meal and suet


(1)execution | 詳しく調べる

(2)execution_of_instrument | 詳しく調べる

意味(law) the completion of a legal instrument (such as a contract or deed) by signing it (and perhaps sealing and delivering it) so that it becomes legally binding and enforceable


(1)sign | 詳しく調べる

意味(medicine) any objective evidence of the presence of a disorder or disease; "there were no signs of asphyxiation"


(1)medicine | 詳しく調べる

(2)medicament | 詳しく調べる

(3)medication | 詳しく調べる

(4)medicinal_drug | 詳しく調べる

意味(medicine) something that treats or prevents or alleviates the symptoms of disease


(1)resistance | 詳しく調べる

意味(medicine) the condition in which an organism can resist disease


(1)infection | 詳しく調べる

意味(medicine) the invasion of the body by pathogenic microorganisms and their multiplication which can lead to tissue damage and disease


(1)radiation | 詳しく調べる

(2)irradiation | 詳しく調べる

(3)radiotherapy | 詳しく調べる

(4)actinotherapy | 詳しく調べる

(5)radiation_therapy | 詳しく調べる

意味(medicine) the treatment of disease (especially cancer) by exposure to a radioactive substance


(1)prion | 詳しく調べる

意味(microbiology) an infectious protein particle similar to a virus but lacking nucleic acid; thought to be the agent responsible for scrapie and other degenerative diseases of the nervous system


(1)njord | 詳しく調べる

(2)njorth | 詳しく調べる

意味(Norse mythology) chief of the Vanir; god of the sea and winds and prosperity; father of Frey and Freya; sometimes subsumes Teutonic Nerthus


(1)quiet | 詳しく調べる

(2)still | 詳しく調べる

(3)placid | 詳しく調べる

(4)smooth | 詳しく調べる

(5)tranquil | 詳しく調べる

(6)unruffled | 詳しく調べる

意味(of a body of water) free from disturbance by heavy waves; "a ribbon of sand between the angry sea and the placid bay"; "the quiet waters of a lagoon"; "a lake of tranquil blue water reflecting a tranquil blue sky"; "a smooth channel crossing"; "scarcely a ripple on the still water"; "unruffled water"


(1)remittent | 詳しく調べる

意味(of a disease) characterized by periods of diminished severity; "a remittent fever"


(1)wasted | 詳しく調べる

(2)atrophied | 詳しく調べる

(3)diminished | 詳しく調べる

意味(of an organ or body part) diminished in size or strength as a result of disease or injury or lack of use


(1)atrophied | 詳しく調べる

(2)diminished | 詳しく調べる

意味(of an organ or body part) diminished in size or strength as a result of disease or injury or lack of use; "partial paralysis resulted in an atrophied left arm"


(1)diestrus | 詳しく調べる

意味(of animals having several estrous cycles in one breeding season) a state or interval of sexual inactivity or quiescence between periods of activity


(1)diestrual | 詳しく調べる

(2)dioestrous | 詳しく調べる

(3)dioestrual | 詳しく調べる

意味(of animals that have several estrous cycles in one breeding season) in a period of sexual inactivity


(1)dingy | 詳しく調べる

(2)dirty | 詳しく調べる

(3)muddy | 詳しく調べる

(4)muddied | 詳しく調べる

意味(of color) discolored by impurities; not bright and clear; "dirty" is often used in combination; "a dirty (or dingy) white"; "the muddied grey of the sea"; "muddy colors"; "dirty-green walls"; "dirty-blonde hair"


(1)contagious | 詳しく調べる

(2)communicable | 詳しく調べる

(3)contractable | 詳しく調べる

(4)transmissible | 詳しく調べる

(5)transmittable | 詳しく調べる

意味(of disease) capable of being transmitted by infection


(1)noncommunicable | 詳しく調べる

(2)nontransmissible | 詳しく調べる

意味(of disease) not capable of being passed on


(1)idiopathic | 詳しく調べる

意味(of diseases) arising from an unknown cause; "idiopathic epilepsy"


(1)seated | 詳しく調べる

(2)sitting | 詳しく調べる

意味(of persons) having the torso erect and legs bent with the body supported on the buttocks; "the seated Madonna"; "the audience remained seated"


(1)sonic | 詳しく調べる

(2)transonic | 詳しく調べる

意味(of speed) having or caused by speed approximately equal to that of sound in air at sea level


(1)transonic | 詳しく調べる

意味(of speed) having or caused by speed approximately equal to that of sound in air at sea level; "a sonic boom"


(1)angry | 詳しく調べる

意味(of the elements) as if showing violent anger; "angry clouds on the horizon"; "furious winds"; "the raging sea"

1件目から30件目を表示次の30件 >